How do I make a referral to Merit Medical Evaluations?

  • You can easily make a referral right on our website by clicking “Request a Service” and filling out the attached form.
  • If you would prefer immediate answers, please call our office at 402-827-3001. Our team is happy to walk you through our process to get you connected with the correct service!

Does Merit Medical Evaluations advertise medical experts in a database or lists?

  • Please visit our Physicians page to view a list of specialties. Due to privacy concerns and continuous growth of our network of providers, we can match you to an expert at the time of service request.
  • If you have additional questions, please contact our office at 402-827-3001.

How do I send medical records to Merit Medical Evaluations, and by when?

  • Hard copies (single-sided) of the medical records should be mailed to our office at 12103 Anne St. Omaha, NE 68137.
  • You can also email the records to records@meritmedicalevaluations.com. Please note that if the page count is 250 pages or more, an administrative fee plus $.60 per page will be charged, upon your approval, to extract and print the records.

Does Merit have an expert in _____ specialty?

  • Whatever specialty you are looking for, Merit can assist in finding a trusted physician for your claim. We have a variety of specialists throughout the Midwest with experience in medicolegal work.
  • Click here to access our physicians page with a list of our specialties.

I am scheduled for an examination. What should I expect?

  • During an IME, you will meet with a doctor who will assess your health condition independently. The doctor will review your medical history, ask questions about your injury or illness, and perform a physical examination.
  • If applicable, they may also request additional tests or imaging studies.
  • The goal is to provide an unbiased evaluation of your condition. The visit typically lasts between 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Be honest and thorough in your responses.
  • After the examination, the doctor will compile a report with their findings and opinions, which will be shared with the requesting party, such as an insurance company, attorney, or employer.
  • Click the button below to view a comprehensive guide to what to expect at your appointment.
What to Expect Guide

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